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Group 1

Acrid: sharp; pungent (used of smells and tastes)

Boorish: ill-mannered

Cynical: believing that people act only out of selfish motives

Epistle: a letter (form of communication)

Heresy: against orthodox opinion

Lance: spear; spike; javelin

Obscure: difficult to understand; partially hidden

Poignant: deeply moving; strongly affecting the emotions

Respite: a break; intermission

Terse: concise; to the point

Group 2

Acrophobia: fear of heights

Bourgeois: middle class

Debility: weakness; incapacity

Epistolary: concerned with letters; through correspondence

Hiatus: interruption; pause

Languid: tired; slow

Obscured: hidden; covered; buried

Poised: calm; collected; self-possessed

Resplendent: shining; glowing

Therapeutic: medicinal; curative


Group 3

Acuity: sharpness (mental or visual)

Braggart: someone who boasts

Debunking: exposing false claims or myths

Epitomized: typified; characterized; personified

Hidebound: rigid in opinions

Languish: decay; fade away; get weaker

Obsequious: servile; submissive

Polemical: causing debate or argument

Restorative: a tonic

Thwart: prevent; frustrate


Group 4

Adamant: forceful; inflexible

Brawny: muscular

Decathlon: an athletic competition with ten events

Equivocate: speak ambiguously; avoid telling the truth

Hieroglyphics: 1. picture writing; 2. writing which is difficult to read or enigmatic

Larceny: theft; robbery; stealing

Obsession: a dominating concern

Ponderous: weighty; slow and heavy

Retention: preservation; withholding

Timorous: cowardly; fearfu


Group 5

Adroit: skilful / skillful

Brevity: being brief

Decorum: dignified, correct behavior [decorous (a)]

Err: make a mistake

Hinder: obstruct

Largess: generosity

Obsolete: no longer valid

Pontificate: speak pompously or dogmatically

Reticent: restrained; holding something back; uncommunicative

Tirade: stream of verbal abuse

Group 6

Adulation: strong admiration; worship

Bristle: to show irritation

Decoy: lure; trap; trick

Erratic: wandering; irregular

Histrionic: theatrical; exaggerated

Laud: praise

Obstreperous: noisy and boisterous

Portend: foretell

Retraction: withdrawal; cancellation of a statement

Tittergiggle quietly

Group 7

Adversity: hardship

Broach: start to discuss; approach

Deference: respect

Esoteric: obscure and difficult to understand

Hoary: old

Lavish: on a grand scale; wasteful

Obtuse: mentally dull

Portent: a warning sign; omen

Revere: worship

Tome: large book

Group 8

Advocate: support

Brusque: blunt; abrupt

Defoliate: cause leaves to fall off

Espouse: promote; take up; support

Hones: harpen; increase; whet

Lax: careless; not strict

Obviate: avoid; make unnecessary

Poseur: someone who puts on an act

Riddled: full of (usually full of holes)

Torpid: inactive; lazy; stagnant

Group 9

Aesthetic: concerning art or beauty

Bulwark: fortification; barricade; wall

Defunct: no longer in existence

Etymology: the study of word origins

Hyperbole: grossly exaggerated speech

Legend: 1. key to map; 2. myth or story

Odious: hateful

Posterity: future generations

Rife: common

Torpord: ormancy; sluggishness; inactivity

Group 10

Affable: friendly; social; easygoing

Bureaucracy: officialdom

Degradation: deprivation; poverty; debasement

Eulogy: praise

Hypochondriac:a person obsessed with health; having imaginary illnesses

Legion: in large numbers

Officious: domineering; intrusive; meddlesome

Posthumous: after death

Rigor: thoroughness

Totter: walk unsteadily



Joanne Huang

Cora LoPresti

Andy Lo

Brittany Larsen

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