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Group 1

Abhor: hate

Bigot: narrow-minded, prejudiced person

Counterfeit: fake; false

Enfranchise: give voting rights

Hamper: hinder; obstruct

Kindle: to start a fire

Noxious: harmful; poisonous; lethal

Placid: calm; peaceful

Remuneration: payment for work done

Talisman: lucky charm

Group 4

Abrogate: cancel; deny; repeal

Blasphemy: speech which offends religious sentiments

Credible: believable

Enigma: puzzle; mystery

Harbingers: indicators; bringers of warnings

Labyrinthine: complicated; highly convoluted

Nuzzle: cuddle; snuggle

Plaudit: statement giving strong praise

Reprehensible: shameful; very bad

Tardy: slow; late; overdue; delayed

Group 7

Abstemious: self denying; refraining from indulging

Blithe: free-spirited; carefree

Crepuscular: active at dawn and dusk

Enunciation: clear pronunciation; accent; articulation

Headstrong: stubborn; willful

Lackluster: dull; monotonous; bland

Objective: unbiased; not subjective

Pliable: flexible; not stubborn

Rescind: retract; repeal

Temper: to moderate; soften

Group 3

Abasement: humiliation; degradation

Billowing: swelling; fluttering; waving

Cower: recoil in fear or servility; shrink away from

Enhance: improve; make better or clearer

Harangue: noisy, attacking speech

Labyrinth: a maze

Nullify: to counter; make unimportant

Plaintiff: petitioner (in court of law)

Replete: full

Tangible: can be touched

Group 8

Abstruse: difficult to understand; obscure

Blunderbuss: 1. ancient weapon (type of gun); 2. a clumsy person

Cringe: recoil; flinch; shy away

Envenom: to cause bitterness and bad feeling

Hedonism: self indulgence; pleasure-seeking

Laconic: using few words; brief; to the point

Oblique: indirect; slanting

Plumage: feathers of a bird

Resignation: acceptance of fate

Tenacious: stubborn; resolute; holding firm to a purpose

Group 5

Absolution: forgiveness; pardon; release

Blatant: obvious

Creditable: praiseworthy

Ensconce: establish firmly in a position

Hasten: hurry; accelerate; rush

Laceration: a cut

Obdurate: stubborn

Plausible: can be believed; reasonable

Reprieve: a respite; postponement of a sentence

Tawdry: of little value; gaudy

Group 9

Accolade: tribute; honor; praise

Bolster: support; prop up

Cryptic: puzzling; enigmatic

Ephemeral: short-lived

Hedonist: a pleasure seeker

Lamentation: expression of regret or sorrow

Obliterate: destroy; demolish; eradicate

Plummet: fall suddenly and steeply

Resolution: determination

Tentative: not certain

Group 2

Abrasive: rough; coarse; harsh

Bilk: cheat; defraud

Covert: hidden; undercover

Engender: cause

Hangar: storage area (like garage) for a plane

Knotty: complex; difficult to solve

Nuance: something subtle; a fine shade of meaning

Plagiarism: taking credit for someone else's writing or ideas

Renown: fame

Tangent: going off the main subject

Group 6

Abstain: desist; go without; withdraw

Blighted: damaged; destroyed; ruined

Credulous: gullible; ready to believe anything

Enshroud: cover

Haughtiness: arrogance; pride

Lachrymose: tearful; sad

Obfuscate: deliberately make something difficult to understand

Plethora: an excess

Repudiate: shun; eschew

Tedium: boredom

Group 10

Acquiesce: to agree to; give in to

Bombast: arrogant, pompous language

Curtail: cut short

Epicure: someone who appreciates good food and drink

Heed: listen to

Lampoon: ridicule; spoof

Oblivious: totally unaware

Podium: raised platform

Resonant: echoing

Tenuous: flimsy; not solid



Joanne Huang

Cora LoPresti

Andy Lo

Brittany Larsen

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